Top 10 Things Wives Want From Their Husbands
In no particular order, here are ten things that many wives want from their husbands.
Note that these are "wants" -- not emotional needs. As individuals, we are each responsible for filling our own emotional needs.
We believe that the four basic emotional needs are the need to be loved and to love; the need to belong; the need for a good self-image; and the need for autonomy.
1. Telling Her Daily That She is Loved
Everyone wants to be affirmed. Everyone wants to know they are loved. The best ways to say "I love you" are usually in simple, everyday, seemingly unimportant ways like an unexpected hug or holding hands when you walk together.
2. Understanding and Forgiveness
There will be days when your wife will make mistakes or when she will be difficult to be around. No one is perfect.
She both wants and deserves your willingness to understand and forgive her. Remember that no relationship can be sustained without forgiveness.
3. Conversation
Don't let your conversations with your wife dwindle to nothing but talk about your kids, your jobs, and the weather. If that happens, your marriage relationship could be in real trouble.
4. Willingness to Make Time for Her and Your Children
Having quality time with your wife and kids isn't something that just happens. You have to make it happen by not only making the plans but by following through. Time with those you love has to be a high priority for you.
5. Saying "Yes" More Than Saying "No"
Habitual negative responses to your wife and kids can push them away from you. Think twice before saying "no" and you will be surprised at how saying "yes" can improve your relationships.
However as a man you must ensure the right balance, so you don't become a whimp or push over, because women like to have strong men around them, someone who can make decisions and take the leadership role, even if she can't immediately understand the reason behind your action.
6. Listening Well
It's really disheartening for a wife to share her thoughts and feelings with her mate and then realize that he didn't actually listen to her. Your wife wants you to not only listen with your ears, but to listen with your heart.
She doesn't want you to advise her on what or how to solve the problem, she only requires her man to the present, keeping quite and letting her pour her heart out without making any comments or interrupting her.
7. Affection and Kindness
How often do you say "please" or "thank you" or give your spouse an unexpected kiss? Unfortunately, some married couples forget that being kind and affectionate to one another are one of the many keys to a successful marriage.
8. Sharing Household and Child Rearing Responsibilities.
One of the main reasons couples fight is conflict over who is doing what around the house. Chores and child care are not the sole responsibility of your wife. She shouldn't have to ask you to do your share around the house.
As a man you should have compassion enough to know that this body we all have, can only take on so much stress before it starts breaking down, women go through a lot in the day and at night time men also require them to be at there service.
Helping her with some of her chores, will ensure she doesn't resent you and you guys can have fun and play longer in bed.
9. A Day Off Now and Then
Don't fuss about your wife taking a day off several times a month. This means that she will be free from worrying about what is happening with the kids, the house, the pets, and you.
She deserves this break in her schedule and she needs to provide it for herself to be emotionally and physically healthy. She should also be allowed some me alone time every now and then ,even though its hard for men to let go of there wives because of getting used to been dependent on there wives..
10. Commitment to Take Care of Yourself Both Physically and Emotionally ( Independent )
Many men are notorious for not taking care of themselves when it comes to health issues. This isn't fair to your wife. She is your lover not your mother. Take responsibility for your own health concerns.
Your well being, look after you affair and be a helper to your wife as much as she has to be the help meet traditionally, not forgetting that due to the financial pressures of modern times, women also have to go and earn a living in order for the family to balance its check book and have all the basic comfort of life, good education for the kids and holidays to foreign destination.
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