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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to Impress a Girl or Woman on a First Date

Step1-Ask her out, if you already haven't. A date does not have to be anything really fancy- it can just be lunch or a cup of coffee and dessert. Avoid going to the movies on the first date because you do not get a chance to talk and get to know one another. Offer to pick her up.

Step2-Once you have secured the date, start grooming. Wash your clothes. The date of the date, shower and shave. Put on some cologne and your fresh clothes. Make sure that you have some cash in your wallet for the date. Buy minty gum before the date.

Step3-If you want to go the extra mile, pick up a flower for her. A bouquet of roses may be a little bit formal for the first date if you do not know the person very well, and she may feel uncomfortable. However, a single rose will impress her and seem very elegant, classy, and romantic. Give her the flower when you pick her up for the date. If you are picking her up, clean your car.

Step4-During the date, be a gentleman. Open the door for her. Offer her your court. We're suckers for those gestures.

Step5-Before the date, think of a few things that you can talk about. There is nothing worse than an akward silence during a first date. Ask her abuot herself, and let the questions lead the conversation: Where are you from? How long have you lived here? Where did you go to school? What do you like to do for fun? Think of some interesting things to say about yourself that you can highlight. Don't gloat about yourself, but if the conversation seems appropriate, mention your good points.

Step6-Relax and enjoy yourself. Even if the date doesn't go well, you will have met someone new. You may even learn something about yourself. Only kiss on the first date if she initiates it. You want to keep her wishing for more.

DO NOT make your date pay for her dinner/ entertainment. That will not impress her at all, especially on the first date. If you can't afford to pay for her, then you don't get to go out with her.

Remember that the first impression is very important. Brush your teeth, floss, and smile. You want to seem like a nice guy.

If the date seems to be going smoothly and you need to relocate to your place, make sure in advance that it is clean, especially the bathroom. Make sure the bed is made, otherwise she will think you are lazy... plus, you don't want her to have to worry whether or not the sheets are clean. You don't want to gross her out with your body hair that you shedded. Have wine and protection on hand.

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