When I first became a mother, the only thing I knew was that I wanted to be the very best mom there ever was. To say I have failed a few times would be an understatement. However, I learned as time passed just by watching my daughter's expressions. Observation can be the greatest tool you have. Use it!
Step1-Be observant. When you have a discussion, argument, or heart-to-heart, watch your child's expression. You can tell if things are going well by paying attention. Children wear their hearts on their sleeves. When you see a look of disapproval, this is the best time to straighten it out and take a new avenue to relate your point of view. Never make your child feel inferior.
Step2-When your child has something to say, LISTEN. Truly listen to what they have to say. This is not the time to let your mind wander and get sidetracked. When you are listening to what they are saying it is also easy to hear what they are not telling you. Pay attention. Keep the lines of communication open by making them feel that right at that moment, there is nothing else going on in your world.
Step3-Always pray together. Your child needs guidance and there is no better place to get it than from God. If you ask Him, He will guide you in the right direction.
Step4-Each morning give thanks for the things you have. Talk to your children about what they have that is important to them. By focusing on the thankfulness of our possessions we will forget about what someone else has that we envy them for. Children have a really hard time with this one because of peer pressure. Often times they don't realize that they also have things that someone else doesn't have but wants.
Step5-Teach your child/children the rewards of giving. Take them with you when you deliver unwanted items to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Allow them to see you giving to the less fortunate. Children learn by example and you are their example.
Always make your children feel important.
Always reward them with a smile and your love.
Always build them up.
Always be there for them when they need you.
Always give plenty of hugs and kisses.
Avoid negativity.
Avoid giving into wants you can't afford.
Avoid being too busy for your child.
Avoid belittling your children
Stuffs You’ll Need:
A keen eye
A listening ear
A warm Smile
A hug
A kiss
A compassionate heart
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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