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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to be a charming woman

I am not writing this article pretending to be perfect, because nobody is. BUT i know the key personality traits and everyday actions that a woman requires to make men wish they could marry you, companies want to hire you and people wish they'd be your friend!

Take a look at yourself. How much time do you spend(if your a mother) thinking about your kids, husband, job or even household chores everyday of your life?How much time do you spend(if you are a teen or a young adult) thinking about fashion, shopping, t.v. shows, or boyfriend? After analyzing this in the most honest way possible, with no if ands or buts,you probably spend too much unnecessary time on things that are indeed important, but yet how much time do you spend on yourself(unselfishly speaking)and other issues outside your life?To be a charming, well rounded woman you need a lot more than good looks and a fancy wardrobe and i mean MUCH MORE.
Step2 You don't have to become Mother Teresa, but there are plenty of ways to get involved, do some reaserach! Be active! And with that said, i mean:
1)Join a gym and attend at least 2 days a week. I discovered Zumba and Yoga for example, which are two classes that are so much more than a good workout. Zumba is a latin dance class that teaches you in a fun fast paced way how to dance. Men love a woman who can go out and dance, have fun! It's sexy, attractive, extremely fun and brings out energy you never knew you had.
And yoga, what can i's a lifestyle! In this class you release so much stress its amazing, you get in touch with your inner peace and become more flexible and tone your muscles at the same time without feeling like you can't breathe of how hard your panting or stressing your body out.

2) Do something(anything!)to help out the community. Volunteer, donate, learn and be informed because if you're in your house right now and have food in your fridge believe it or not, you are more fortunate than 80% of rest of the world. Yes, 80% of the world lives in EXTREME poverty. We are very lucky and should never take anything for granted.

Step3 Smile at people you see, it's contagious.If somethings funny, let it out! Are you a bit of a "potty mouth"? Try not to curse as much specially in public because whether you like it or not it gives people a bad first impression.
Smile! Nobody likes a serious old grouch, and I'm not saying to be a ray of golden sunshine all day long(because most of the time thats not possible)but just try to smile, think of positive things and take deep breaths when somethings been bothering you because believe me it can ALWAYS get worse.

Step4 Whether you do it at home or at a salon, it's a great way of feeling beautiful and surprisingly in control of your life! Now my last tips are mostly so you can feel better about yourself therefore achieving a higher self esteem, projecting positiveness and confidence. There is nothing more charming or attractive to a man than a woman who is secure of herself and has her OWN LIFE TO LIVE!
People want to be surrounded by positive personalities, so listen up!

1)Take care of inner self. By that i mean eating well rounded meals and not starving yourself either! Vegetables, meats(in moderation),fish, nuts fruits are all great feel-good foods!After all, you are what you eat.

2)Take a few minutes out of you oh-so-busy schedule for some YOU time! At home you can pamper yourself, take a nice warm shower, fix your hair nicely, groom yourself :) maybe even go get a needed manicure pedicure or haircut every once in a while! When you forget about yourself you slowly start letting yourself go and caring less about how you look when all of a sudden you don't like how you look anymore and your self esteem is down on the ground.

Be honest! It's hard to tell the truth all the time(specially to strangers)but believe me most people know when your lying and there's nothing worse than a liar.

High self-esteem is great! But don't let it get too high because there is nothing further from charming than someone arrogant!

Take care of your image but don't overdo it with the makeup because you don't want to pretend to look a certain way, when your completely the opposite. Besides, its not good for your skin!

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