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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How to Plan a Romantic Gift for a Loved One

It's easy to choose that perfect romantic gift for a loved one if you just pay attention. Here are some tips.

Step 1-Make a list. Throughout the year, notice any items that catch your loved one's attention and mark them down. These items can include books, CD's, jewelry, clothing...anything that strikes your partner's fancy.

Step2-Match the gift to your partner's personality. A serious, scholarly person might love to get that history book that just made the best-seller list. An MP3, CD's or a gift card to download songs would appeal to music lovers.

Step3-Recall other gifts your loved one has received--and his or her reactions. They are signals indicating what you might buy and what you should stay away from.

Step4-Select the proper time to present the gift. Surprises tend to enhance the romance of a gift. Choose a date that is important to both of you, such as the anniversary of your first date.

Step5-Set the mood. Before presenting the gift, arrange a romantic dinner as the prelude. Make the gift part of dessert.

Note:Avoid giving the same kinds of gifts you have given your loved one before. Repetition is boring and shows thoughtlessness.

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