Take our test to see if any of your buds should be left off the next guest list.
For Your Single Friends
1. After weeks of stressing and obsessing, you get the promotion. She says:
a. "I knew you would do it. Let's celebrate!"
b. "Wait, you were up for a promotion? Did you mention this?"
c. "That's great! I remember being really happy when my career reached that level a few years ago."
2. If she's with your husband and doesn't know you're watching, she's likely to:
a. Chat about politics, TV shows, and whatever else comes up (they've always gotten along).
b. Search for an excuse to walk away (they didn't hit it off initially and, while she isn't openly rude, she's given him the cold shoulder ever since).
c. Laugh way too loudly at his jokes and have so much physical contact with him that it could qualify as a lap dance.
3. After your first big fight, you show up almost hyperventilating at her place and ask if she thinks you rushed into marriage too soon. She says:
a. Very little (she does, however, listen to everything you have to say, and once you've said it, you feel a lot calmer).
b. "I'd love to talk about this, but it's going to have to be quick because I have a date in an hour."
c. "Hey, let's face it: You should be counting your blessings. You have a man."
4. If you had a serious problem, she'd probably be:
a. The first person you call.
b. Someone you might call, provided a number of other friends were unavailable.
c. The last person you'd contact (yes, even after the mother-in-law who still doesn't think you're good enough for her baby).
For Your Couple Pals
1. You go out to dinner with friends. The tab winds up being much more than expected, so you cover their share as well as your own. Based on experience, they'll:
a. Pay you back the next day and thank you again.
b. Pay you back two weeks later after a polite reminder (which is fine --when you drink that much, stuff slips your mind too).
c. Pay you back a month later after a few increasingly pointed reminders, clearly annoyed you could be so gauche as to want your own money.
2. The two of you have a secret that you're very sensitive about, but you share it with them because you feel so burdened by it. They're likely to reveal this:
a. Only after several hours of waterboarding.
b. If they consume a few too many cocktails (they'll be very embarrassed the next day).
c. To another set of their couple friends that night who will repeat it to virtually everyone they meet as an icebreaker.
3. You agree to meet at a restaurant of your choice. They arrive:
a. Five minutes early and are ready to have a good time.
b. Twenty minutes late -- which wouldn't be a big deal, except you told them you were hoping to have an early night. They then insist on having dessert, coffee, and a nightcap, so you have fun but doze off in a meeting the next day.
c. In a foul mood, and while you know they have stressful jobs, you wish they didn't have to complain that much about the restaurant you picked (and refuse to leave when you offer to go somewhere else).
4. When you introduce them to other couples, they tend to:
a. Charm them immediately. What do you expect from people who are open and funny?
b. Keep them at arm's length. You know they've always been reserved, but you wish they could be a little friendlier.
c. Ignore the new folks completely and seek to monopolize your time, making the dinner party you spent two weeks planning an exercise in social awkwardness.
Scoring: For every "A", award yourself 10 points; for every "B", give yourself 5; and each "C" gets you 0.
25 to 40 points: Keepers
Consistently demonstrate that they support you, are thoughtful of your feelings, and will always have your back. Plus, you have a great time together. What's not to like?
15 to 24: Could Be Worse
Fun to be around, but unreliable. Recognize this type of friendship has its limits; while perfect for the good times, it won't be your rock when things are tough.
14 or less: Catastrophic
Whatever your friendship may once have been, it's devolved into a mix of resentment, jealousy, and general uneasiness. Life's too short; move on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
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