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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Seven Success Keys-By Tom Ziglar

Right now with the economic meltdown going on, or not going on, depending on if it’s Monday or Friday, I think we all want our individual success to depend on us, not on the economy, not our employer, and certainly not the government! So here are a few keys to consider:

1. “You have to be before you can do, and you have to do before you can have,” Zig Ziglar Dad lays it out pretty clearly right here. Success starts with being the right kind of person first. Build the proper character foundation in your life, then apply it with great work ethic, and only then can you have the things in life you want.

2. “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want,” Zig Ziglar. This is the philosophy that guides your be, do, and have mindset.

3. “All great failures are moral failures,” Fred Smith Dad’s mentor Fred Smith points out that anytime you see a great failure, it is not because of their intellect, but because of some great moral failure. The current economic crisis is a perfect example of this. Greed and instant gratification are the two primary reasons we have a crisis right now. Isn’t it morally wrong to knowingly encourage someone to take a huge risk? Isn’t it morally wrong to take a huge risk for no other reason than instant gratification?

4. “The five predictors of success for someone starting and running their own business are passion, talent, determination, self-discipline, and faith,” Dan Miller, No More Mondays, Do you have what it takes to be your own boss? Dan is the go-to guy for advice on this. How cool would it be to wake up every day doing what you are passionate about? (Trust me, it’s COOL!)

5. “Debt is dumb, cash is king,” Dave Ramsey, Imagine having no debt in your life. Would you sleep better? How much freedom would you have? Being debt free is a choice and Dave gives you a specific plan of action on how to become debt free. I must warn you though; the plan is very simple, although not necessarily easy because there are no gimmicks or shortcuts. It only requires common sense and uncommon discipline!

6. “Eat pure,” Tom Ziglar, The Purity Diet. The most important asset you have is your health. The best thing you can do to benefit your health is to eat right. If you “eat pure” every day you will be amazed at the results.

7. “I’ve heard it, too: Motivation is temporary, and I agree. But then, so is bathing and eating, but if you do both of them on a daily basis you will live longer and smell better in the process,” Zig Ziglar. What kind of fuel are you running your brain on? Put the good, the clean, the pure, the powerful and the positive into your brain on a daily basis and the amount of good stuff that comes out will astonish you!

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