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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is it Possible to Make Women Happy?- Deniz Selcuk

Although, even women themselves may accept that to make women happy requires some effort, it is not very hard to do and is perfectly possible. After all, what men get after making their women happy can be infinite happiness and is certainly worth trying.

What a woman wants from her partner is generally much simpler then what a man might think. Many times women only need to talk. However, even this simple need may cause complex problems in a relationship and men start to believe that it is impossible to make women happy.

In reality, the problem occurs because of huge differences between men and women. When a woman wants to talk, she may just want to talk. On the other hand, when a woman starts talking, her partner may automatically try to solve the problem or to declare his opinions to everything she mentions. Actually, what a woman needs many times is only her partner's attention to what she is saying and to be listened to.

Another complex issue between women and men is one that actually unbelievably simple. It is a very well known fact that women want men to buy flowers for them. But men insistently think that it is very banal and old fashioned to buy flowers to their women. Even this simple issue may cause problems in a relationship, and men unfairly start to believe that to make women happy is not possible. Actually, what women want is to be thought of by their man and being showed it in a romantic way.

What men should do actually is that instead of making themselves believe hopelessly that women can't be made happy, they should start doing little things that they have always ignored. For example, they should call their women couple of times a day for no reason and just for insuring her that, regardless of how busy they are, they still think their women.

Finally, if men really want to make women happy, they should start doing the simple but always ignored things. Some of those things include sending flowers to their women unexpectedly, taking them to a romantic bar to listen to live music, or maybe leaving them a romantic note.

If you fail to make your woman happy and if you loose her love you may need to get some useful advice from a relationship expert.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3 Things Men Can't Resist in a Woman

A Woman Who Smiles (more powerful than you might realize)
A woman who smiles makes it easier for a man to approach her by conveying an attitude of confidence, warmth and playfulness. Since many women are fearful of giving men the wrong impression, they frequently guard their smiles.

While this approach is safer, it inadvertently sends the wrong message that she is someone who is overly cautious because she has been hurt.

In addition, smiling is a sign of acceptance. Men often need some signal that it is safe to approach a woman before they’re willing to risk introducing themselves (unless they are intoxicated).

A Woman Who Listens (instead of dominating the conversation)
Women are generally perceived as rarely really listening to men, at least not beyond a few minutes. Most of the time, a few minutes is all men really need. But since most men hate to be rejected, it is easier for them to keep conversations superficial. Men expect most women to want to talk, rather than be willing to listen.

If they happen to meet a woman who listens with her eyes (looks at him while he’s talking) as well as her ears, they are intrigued. If she continues to listen and not take over the conversation, she’s the kind of woman that men can’t resist and will eventually marry.

A Woman Who Dresses Feminine (men are really visual)
Everyone knows that men are visual. However, women often forget just how helpless men are to what they see. The right visual stimulation can hypnotize any man. Unfortunately, women hear this and often become fearful. They mistakenly believe that men only notice perfect women.

Forget perfect! If you really want to be noticed by men, think colors, dresses and curves. Men basically like any woman who has that soft and cuddly quality. It isn’t that men don’t find women attractive in pants or when they are dressed comfortably – they just don’t notice them as easily. It doesn’t catch their eye like sparkly earrings, pretty colors or flowing dresses and long hair does.

Conversely, a powerfully dressed woman (think lots of red) makes most men think of sex, or not notice her at all. She may have a soft side, but if men can’t see it, they often don’t know it exists. The more feminine (softer) a woman dresses, the more men she will attract.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

25 tips for relationship success by Susan Quilliam

What's the key to successful relationships? Here, Susan Quilliam reveals the simple things you need to know to deepen your partnership and make your relationship work

1. Without quality time, your relationship will not survive. Carve out at least half an hour a night, and at least one day a month when you the two of you spend time exclusively together.

2. You will both need security, comfort. A good relationship is built on compromise and a great deal of give and take on both sides.

3. Keep your dependence and independence in balance. Tell and show your partner how much you need him, but don't cling, as that can make your partner feel trapped.

4. Encourage him to listen to you, by showing appreciation when he does. By the same token, show interest when he talks to you. Be aware that most men aren't mentally programmed for conversation in the way women are. They need more silence and internal time.

5. Make him appreciate you. Don't wait for a spontaneous compliment, but say something good about yourself and ask for his agreement.

6. Teach him, preferably early in your relationship, exactly how to give you a fail-safe orgasm because it's unlikely he'll find out alone. If you don't yet know yourself, find out.

7. Learn to do the one thing that is most likely to restore good feeling in your relationship - giving your partner a genuine, loving and approving smile.

8.Often those subtle quirks that first attracted you to your partner can, with time, turn around and become toe-curlingly annoying habits. Learn to love him, warts and all.

9. Hidden resentments poison a relationship; so if something bothers you, say it. Remember that while men are wary of emotional conversations, they love to find solutions. Express your problem and then ask him to help you find the answer.

10. Learn that punishing your partner won't work. It may make you feel better to give him a hard time, but it will actually make him dig his heels in more. A better tactic is to reward the things you like and ignore what you don't like.

11. Money is the number one cause of couple conflict. For a relationship to work, you need to address your finances and work out a budget.

12. If the domestic work is not divided fairly between you, it will cause friction in your relationship. Make a list of the domestic tasks, talk it through with your partner and mobilise the whole family, your partner included, to share the work.

13. If you have children, involve your partner as much as possible with the childcare - even if you feel he's not as good as it at you are. It's important to present a united front to your children.

14. Sort out your sex life. The sex may ebb and flow over the years, but if sex starts going downhill, don't just accept it. As soon as you notice a slide, question why and then work at bringing the passion back.

15. Don't assume you won't be tempted to have an affair as almost everyone is. You need to learn to resist. If you do stray, don't feel it spells the end of your relationship. Most couples recover, particularly from a one-night-stand, and often find that unrooting the cause of the affair helps them to get even closer. So, you need to learn to resist. But don't think that an affair is the end of everything.

16. Remember that boredom typically covers up anger. If you feel bored with him, ask yourself what you're angry about.

17. Be aware that men generally feel overwhelmed by emotion more than women do. If he's angry or tearful, half an hour's 'unflooding' time to himself will help get his balance back and make him more able to interact positively with you.

18. Learn how to argue well. The trick is to never say anything that you wouldn't want to hear said to you.

19. Research suggests you need five positive experiences to erase the memory of one negative experience. So give five kind words for each bitchy comment. Give five hugs for each cold shoulder.

20. Learn how to negotiate. Each of you states what you want, then both of you work together to find a way forward.
21. Accept the things that won't change. Some characteristics about your partner are there for life - and you have to face that.

22. Learn to forgive. If you know you will never forgive your partner over something important, then give him - and yourself - a break and start again, with someone else.

23. Realise that the two of you will shift and change over the years. So, even if you think you understand him, or believe you have agreements sorted, check regularly - at least once a year - to make sure that neither of you has changed your mind.

24. Know when to leave. If your life aims are incompatible, there are heavy drugs or violence around, or if there is consistently more pain than pleasure, then walk before the relationship destroys you.

25. Don't think that going to counselling equals failure. It can turn a bad relationship around. It can turn an average relationship into a brilliant one

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Virtuous woman by Tracie Justice

A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman—who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls… (Proverbs 31:10 AMP)

When considering all the characteristics and personal attributes of the woman described in Proverbs, it’s easy for women in this era of busy-ness (or, “the microwave generation”) to feel inadequate and devalued in comparison. However, our loving Father did not provide this example of a Godly woman to condemn us for our own shortcomings, but to provide a successful role model for us to imitate. (Hebrews 6:12)

The Proverb’s woman is shown as trustworthy, peaceable, charitable, committed, wise, and responsible. She accomplishes many things in her life: she’s a wife, mother, homemaker, teacher, peacemaker, confidant, investor, gardener, cloth maker, seamstress, designer of good things, trader, saleswoman, distributor, speaker, and intercessor, to name just a few. But we must always remember that all she is, all she learns, and everything she accomplishes in her life came through a process. She is NEVER all of these things at one time! As she matures in knowing God’s ways, HE graduates her to each progressive level of glory, little by little—increasing her more and more—one small step at a time. (2 Corinthians 3:18; Exodus 23:30; Psalm 115:14)

Therefore, sisters, let’s not be so hard on ourselves for falling short of our Father’s glory as His Proverb’s woman. For God, alone, is the Author of His plan for our lives so only He can bring it to full completion—NOT us!

Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city]! (Proverbs 31:30 AMP)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Are You Being Authentic in Your Relationship?

"Authenticity occurs when the head and the heart meet at the lips; when what we think and what we feel is congruent with what we say and do." - Dr. Carl Hammerschlag, Speaker, Author, Healer

Dr. Hammerschlag's quote about sums it up, right? Are you talking the talk and not walking the walk? Are you experiencing the same problems in your relationship that you had last year? Are you living your relationship as an example you would want others to emulate? Are you living in sync with your own values and principles? When you're not authentic, who are you?

Being authentic is the key to truly happy, healthy relationships. It is not possible to be happy without being true to yourself. Unfortunately many people live their entire lives never discovering their authentic self. It is not only a matter of focusing on yourself, but also involves deliberation about how your commitments make a contribution to the good of the relationship.

Being authentic is being genuine. Being genuine is being true to the commitments you have made to each other. It means standing up for what is real. None of the fake persona we often see. The temptation to be fake, phony, or misleading is centered on the desire to feel smart, important, or better than someone else. That is your ego speaking. Shed those pretences. Not being authentic demands a lot of misguided energy. Being authentic is easy. It's being fake that is difficult.

I'm certain that you know you can fool some of the people some of the time (even yourself), but not all of the people all of the time. Authenticity reduces phoniness to nothing.

It seems to me that being authentic begins with being true to yourself. It's knowing that deep within, you know beyond a doubt that who you being is the real you. When you live an authentic life, you are living a life that resonates with your inner being, free from relationships that limit possibilities. Living authentically means to be happy with who you are, as you are. Living with authenticity is a journey that will lead you to your incredible self.

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D., says, "The voice of the authentic self seems to be the same as the intuitive voice, that quiet, but persistent voice that whispers new ideas to us in the middle of the night, on vacation, or after meditating. Intuition speaks in short; clear messages that are qualitatively different from the repetitive mind chatter that makes us feel anxious. Intuition tells us where the authentic choice is - for us."

The truth is, most people are intuitive and can feel when something is not right. They know when you are not being honest with them or yourself.

Shakespeare gave us this ethical principle: "This above all - to thine own self be true." It's practicing greatness - even when no one else is watching. We must learn to live in a way that expresses our real desires, principles and demonstrates our character. When our behavior doesn't match our values, we are not living authentically.

It's not trying to be someone you think your partner wants you to be. It's not doing what you do to just get by, it's doing whatever it takes to have your partner feel assured that you are who you say you are and are consistently doing what's right.

Demonstrating authenticity in your relationship is a prerequisite to having a healthy relationship. It certainly helps if you have a specific intention to be that way.

The great thing about authenticity is that it releases you from the requirement to be perfect. No one is perfect. Just be you own good self.

Authenticity is only one piece of the relationship puzzle. And it is an important piece. Strive to be honest in the sense of allowing your behavior and conversation to be a true and spontaneous expression of your inner feelings.

Being authentic is to be able to live with your guard down; to be venerable; to be able to be yourself, not someone that someone else thinks you should be.

Being authentic requires a balance between being forthright and gaining the interpersonal skillfulness that allows you to be more sensitive and caring to your partner. It means that what you say, what you mean, what you intend, and what you do, are all in alignment and You are worthy of trust and belief. Authenticity means that you are living with integrity, and aspiring to all the wonderful joys life has to offer and doing it with a peaceful heart.

Only when you have evolved into clarity and authenticity by resolving the conflicts, confusion, and self-doubt within, will you be accepted, respected and listened to by your partner. There is great power in being an example of authenticity to your partner.

Being authentic can be defined as unquestionable congruent living - the moment-to-moment alignment of your sincere thoughts, values, emotions and actions. - Anisa Aven

Perhaps your relationship would be much better if you spend less time trying to convince yourself that you are being authentic and more time demonstrating authenticity to your partner. The truth of who you are must be lived not just believed. Once these truths are discovered, you must bring them to life by living them through conscious action. It is through action not thought that you become authentic. Intention to be authentic is great however your actions always speak louder than your words.

The truth is you cannot not be authentic. Even a counterfeit one hundred dollar bill is a genuine counterfeit bill - it is what it is, a very real counterfeit one hundred dollar bill. You have your own personality. Be that. Be authentic. You are what you are doing.

Friday, October 9, 2009


1. You're too spiritual. You talk about God more than Jesus did. Can you communicate without it turning into a sermonette? I love the Lord. I truly do. But, I don't want to hear about God 24/7. There is a thing called BALANCE. Can we just talk? But, if you spend more time at church than a Baptist pew, I guess the Bible is the only thing that can come out of you.

2. Your standards are unrealistic. You are requiring that he bring to the table what you can't bring yourself. You want Denzel, yet you're content with being Aunt Esther. God may have the two of you to buy a load of wood and build a table together.

3. You compare him to your girlfriend's husband or your pastor. You assume you know who God has for you based on who God had for them. Did Eve choose Adam or was Adam chosen for her?

4. You're mad. All of your friends are mad. You hadn't gotten over yesterday. Your next man doesn't even know your last man. Why are you holding him hostage in the history of your pain he had nothing to do with? You have too many buttons. Certain buttons should disappear once you're healed.

5. You fellowship in all of the wrong places. Your husband may not be at church. Your husband may not even know the Lord. He may see you on aisle 3 and be so overwhelmed by you that he drives straight over to Damascus Road.

6. You want your husband "ready-made". You want him to come READY for you. HE doesn't even know you! Besides, were you made for him or was he made for you? You refuse to employ faith. You want to SEE him NOW.

7. Your expectations are too low. You don't believe they're any good Godly men left. As a woman thinketh in heart, so is she. You expect the worse and have your expectations met. You look for everything wrong and don't even notice what's right. Many woen have NO clue who a good man truly is. MAny women can't even get along with a man that she doesn't feel she needs to change.

8. You hadn't maxed out your singleness. You're simply not ready...and that's ok! Allow God to keep molding and shaping you.

9. You want him to take you as you are. He may not want a cigarette smoking sailor. Comb your hair. Brush your teeth. Pick your feet up when you walk. Have some self-respect. And by all means - PUT SOME CLOTHES ON.

10. You want to be married so bad you seem desperate. I can't speak for all men, but I don't want to be hunted. I wanted to do the hunting. Every man you meet will not be your husband. Stop seeing him at the wedding. Can you just see him for who is he today? Can you leave your expectations at home and just chill?

11. You're looking for the wrong things. You're looking for what the man drives opposed to what drives the man.

12. You have no idea who you are. You were created to help him. What are you qualified to do? Who are you exactly?

13. He can't tell you anything. Unless you hear it from your pastor or parent, you ain'trying to hear it. No real man wants an unteachable woman. I agree that you may know a great many things. But, you don't know everything and can only speculate what being a man truly is.

14. You want to bring your past into your future. Your friends may not be invited into your marriage. Why do you have to check with your girls? Why do you have all of these casual male friends? Yet, you expect him to automatically understand that. If they don't have a purpose that will edifiy the relationship - they don;t have a valid reason to be there.

15. You want to share headship. Just because you have more education, earn more money, have a higher credit score and can speak better English, does NOT qualify you to head a man. Nothing you will ever do will give you that role. Sure, a wise man will submit to your strengths; but at the beginning and end of every day, he's still your covering.

16. You're playing sex games. You agree to the wrong environment, get all hot and bothered and demand that he not expect anything. If he isn't strong enough to resist, which most men won't be, you say he's not from God and blame ALL of it on him.

17. You skip past FRIENDSHIP. Every man you encounter, you're interviewing as if he's your husband. Just interview for friendship and nothing more. Don't lay all of your cards on the table unless he has laid all of his on the table. Until then, just talk about the weather. Many women are hurting and discouraged unnecessarily because they take this premature failure personally. Every man you meet will NOT be the one.

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